Friday, December 19, 2008

Hooray for Pain!!!!

Can I just tell you how excited I am!!!! :-) Finally, I am feeling some pain and movement on the left side of my mouth!!! Whoo!! Hooo!!! I don't know if you can see it in the picture but there is one tooth on the left side that jets out a bit. It has not been moving at all and hasn't been sore either. So, about 1/2 hour ago I started to feel pain on that side and now I am soooo excited!!!

Thursday, December 18, 2008

Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Almost 2 months!!!

Sunday, December 7, 2008

The REAL Fun

I was just thinking about next month. The real "fun" is about to begin. My ortho isn't sure if he will be able to fix my lower arch without extractions. He says with my's really not a good idea to extract any teeth because it just really messes things up. The goal right now is to bring my upper arch in to get rid of the overbite. Then, when the lower braces go on he will expand my lower arch. Eventually, when everything is aligned he will flare my front teeth forward a bit to make my smile more noticeable. I'm excited and a little nervous. I wonder if they are going to try to get the tooth on my lower arch that sticks out a lot on the wire? If not, I wonder how they will get the wire around it??? Hmmm....I am soooo not looking forward to those stupid spacers again! ARG!!!


Arg!!! No pain today. :-( It's 48 hours after my first adjustment. I am supposed to be hurting right? I'm not. I can't believe I am saying this, but I want to be in at least some pain so I know things are happening. I just got done looking at my brace day pictures and my picture from today. I can see a difference....if you look at the wire doesn't look as wonky as it used to.

Friday, December 5, 2008

Pain Begins....

Well, in my previous post I was telling you about how I had no pain at my adjustment. That was nice!! It's now 10 hours later and I am beginning to feel the effects. Man, I wish I had NEVER had that stupid spring! I don't think there has been any movement on my left side over the past month. Now that I have a bracket where the spring used to be I am feeling the pain beginning. Ugh! Oh well, like I have said all along pain equal progress! I'm so eager to see my teeth move! Although I have seen some movement over the past several weeks, I am happy to know that I should be expecting even faster progress!!! :-)

First Adjustment

Well, I have heard all these horror stories about how painful so many people's first adjustments were. Mine, was completely uneventful and pain free! I went in. My ortho was somewhat disappointed by the amount of moment I have had. :-( That makes me sort of sad. He said my teeth are really stuck in my head. That's what the dentist said when he pulled my wisdom tooth too!!! I guess it's good that my teeth are stuck in my head though!!! Personally, I think I didn't have as much movement because I didn't have a bracket on one of my teeth. My ortho took the spring out and placed a bracket on the tooth today! That makes me happy! :-) Now, I bet I will have movement! Anyway, they gave me a new wire....same size and shape....just new....and put new ligs on. I went with red for Christmas. January 24th I go in to get spacers again. Then, on January 30th I go in for my second adjustment and to get my lower braces put on!!!! :-) I don't see how my teeth are going to move enough for me not to bite off the lower brackets, but if my dentist thinks it will work....I'm all for it. I am sooooo not looking forward to spacers again. Hopefully, they won't be as bad as the first time. Come on teeth MOVE!!!!

Thursday, December 4, 2008

First Adjustment Tomorrow!!

Hi! Guess what?? Tomorrow is my first adjustment! I'm looking forward to it, but I am a little nervous at the same time. I hope it doesn't hurt too much! This time I am going with red ligs for Christmas. I'll post pics tomorrow.

Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Even More Movement!

Wow! I can't believe it!!! My first adjustment is less than 3 days away and NOW my teeth have decided to move. How convenient!!! I can feel that my front teeth (overbite) is moving backwards a TON now...which is great since that is the goal. It's strange but it feels like my gums have even flattened out so they aren't protruding forward. I've felt pretty much constant pressure so I am excited by what is happening in there! :-) My two incisors seem to be getting the blunt of the pressure they are a little loose and pretty sore. Soreness+loose teeth=progress!!!!! How exciting!