Sunday, December 7, 2008

The REAL Fun

I was just thinking about next month. The real "fun" is about to begin. My ortho isn't sure if he will be able to fix my lower arch without extractions. He says with my's really not a good idea to extract any teeth because it just really messes things up. The goal right now is to bring my upper arch in to get rid of the overbite. Then, when the lower braces go on he will expand my lower arch. Eventually, when everything is aligned he will flare my front teeth forward a bit to make my smile more noticeable. I'm excited and a little nervous. I wonder if they are going to try to get the tooth on my lower arch that sticks out a lot on the wire? If not, I wonder how they will get the wire around it??? Hmmm....I am soooo not looking forward to those stupid spacers again! ARG!!!

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